joking or jesting, often inappropriately
A great word for a few reasons: First of all, it just sounds great. I like to throw it around in conversation, which is especially easy because I probably defend myself with "Oh, I'm just being facetious!" every few days. The best thing about facetious, though, is that it contains the five vowels in alphabetical order!
and sometimes:
the low-temperature emission of light (as by a chemical or physiological process.
Shout out to my Mom, for giving me this word. Totally awesome.
Now it's time for the Merriam-Webster lady to do her thing.
the low-temperature emission of light (as by a chemical or physiological process.
Shout out to my Mom, for giving me this word. Totally awesome.
Now it's time for the Merriam-Webster lady to do her thing.
to divide an area into election districts to give one political party an electoral majority in a large number of districts while concentrating the voting strength of the opposition in as few districts as possible

This political cartoon from 1812 depicts the electoral districts redrawn to favor the incumbent candidates of Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry, from which the term was created.
Source: wikipedia
to divide an area into election districts to give one political party an electoral majority in a large number of districts while concentrating the voting strength of the opposition in as few districts as possible

This political cartoon from 1812 depicts the electoral districts redrawn to favor the incumbent candidates of Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry, from which the term was created.
Source: wikipedia
Saving Archaic Words!
It is good to know that we are not the only word enthusiasts, as I learned this morning listening to the BBC World Edition on NPR.
Take a listen to the discussion of the concept of the changing English vocabulary and the concept of holding onto words of the past for old time's sake. This is not the segment from the BBC World Edition that I was just listening to, which asked listeners to write in their favorite words that are slated to be removed from the Collins Dictionary. I'll look forward to hearing listener responses.
Take a listen to the discussion of the concept of the changing English vocabulary and the concept of holding onto words of the past for old time's sake. This is not the segment from the BBC World Edition that I was just listening to, which asked listeners to write in their favorite words that are slated to be removed from the Collins Dictionary. I'll look forward to hearing listener responses.
Squish, Squash, Squelch
splendid, magnificent, fine
What a silly long word. I especially enjoy the -ferous at the end!
splendid, magnificent, fine
What a silly long word. I especially enjoy the -ferous at the end!
a word formed from from another word or base (as by the addition of a usually noninflectional affix)
There are a handful of definitions, but I enjoy this one the best. Also, it just rolllllls off the tongue.
a word formed from from another word or base (as by the addition of a usually noninflectional affix)
There are a handful of definitions, but I enjoy this one the best. Also, it just rolllllls off the tongue.
Shout out to William Safire
I would like to take a moment to discuss NY Times Columnist, William Safire and just how wonderful he/his collumn On Language is. Sometimes I tell people about this blog and receive negative/confused/wtf reactions and all I can think is, "....but this dude has a column in the effin' NEW YORK TIMES devoted entirely to words, language and etymology!!!!"
In this week's article, Safire discusses a few words being thrown around in political discussions. I have included the following excerpt, in which he uses one of our favorite words:
In this week's article, Safire discusses a few words being thrown around in political discussions. I have included the following excerpt, in which he uses one of our favorite words:
"In modern times, Gen. Alexander Haig brought the word back to Foggy Bottom from his NATO service in Paris; as secretary of state, he created the adjective nuancal — a modifier I cruelly ridiculed as mere Foggy Bottom jargon in this space, for which I now apologize. Feel free to use Haig’s nuancal as a slightly more emphatic version of nuanced (along with his military verb snake-check, meaning “examine with care”)."
- William Safire, On Language, NY Times, 9/5/08
a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms.
Such a great word! I learned it this weekend in Brooklyn, when my friend Adam introduced me to the word Emoticon which is...
a group of keyboard characters (as :-)) that typically represents a facial expression or suggests an attitude or emotion and that is used especially in computerized communications.
I know! Great word number one lead to finding great word number two! Thanks Adam, and Brooklyn. Enjoy!
listen up!
a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms.
Such a great word! I learned it this weekend in Brooklyn, when my friend Adam introduced me to the word Emoticon which is...
a group of keyboard characters (as :-)) that typically represents a facial expression or suggests an attitude or emotion and that is used especially in computerized communications.
I know! Great word number one lead to finding great word number two! Thanks Adam, and Brooklyn. Enjoy!
listen up!
Lead (Pb)
In Chemistry I would remember the symbol for lead by thinking of plumbers and pipes and of course plumbum....let me push those glasses up on my face a little bit higher
Lead (Pb)
In Chemistry I would remember the symbol for lead by thinking of plumbers and pipes and of course plumbum....let me push those glasses up on my face a little bit higher
having or showing liveliness and enthusiasm
This post is dedicated to my favorite man on television, Tim Gunn.

As mentor to the contestants on the TV show, Project Runway, Tim Gunn shows profound wisdom and knowledge of fashion AND of vocabulary! He is incredibly articulate and insists on enunciating - so much so that he asked if the phrase was "Holl-ER at your boy" or "Holl-UH at your boy." (Answer: Holl-UH.)
He used the word ebullient to describe a contestant's rather painless departure on Wednesday night's episode. <3 you, Tim Gunn!
having or showing liveliness and enthusiasm
This post is dedicated to my favorite man on television, Tim Gunn.
As mentor to the contestants on the TV show, Project Runway, Tim Gunn shows profound wisdom and knowledge of fashion AND of vocabulary! He is incredibly articulate and insists on enunciating - so much so that he asked if the phrase was "Holl-ER at your boy" or "Holl-UH at your boy." (Answer: Holl-UH.)
He used the word ebullient to describe a contestant's rather painless departure on Wednesday night's episode. <3 you, Tim Gunn!
biographical name; Chiricahua Apache leader.
or slang:
"something to yell before jumping off of something"
So awesome! GERONIMO!!!
biographical name; Chiricahua Apache leader.
or slang:
"something to yell before jumping off of something"
So awesome! GERONIMO!!!
having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand.
I think that listening to the sound bite is quite pertinent.
having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand.
I think that listening to the sound bite is quite pertinent.
indicating or showing unbelief
it just has such a good sound to it, its almost crisp
indicating or showing unbelief
it just has such a good sound to it, its almost crisp
large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful
This along with the next word I am posting are choice words for me
large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful
This along with the next word I am posting are choice words for me
a pupa of a butterfly; broadly : an insect pupa
this post is a la Tara O'Brien. Thanks Tara, what a wonderful word
a pupa of a butterfly; broadly : an insect pupa
this post is a la Tara O'Brien. Thanks Tara, what a wonderful word
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