Shout out to William Safire

I would like to take a moment to discuss NY Times Columnist, William Safire and just how wonderful he/his collumn On Language is. Sometimes I tell people about this blog and receive negative/confused/wtf reactions and all I can think is, "....but this dude has a column in the effin' NEW YORK TIMES devoted entirely to words, language and etymology!!!!"

In this week's article, Safire discusses a few words being thrown around in political discussions. I have included the following excerpt, in which he uses one of our favorite words:

"In modern times, Gen. Alexander Haig brought the word back to Foggy Bottom from his NATO service in Paris; as secretary of state, he created the adjective nuancal — a modifier I cruelly ridiculed as mere Foggy Bottom jargon in this space, for which I now apologize. Feel free to use Haig’s nuancal as a slightly more emphatic version of nuanced (along with his military verb snake-check, meaning “examine with care”)."
- William Safire, On Language, NY Times, 9/5/08

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